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chiranthodendron pentadactylon

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Posted by BLUES 8 Jun 2011 - 10:33:00 AM

Chiranthodendron pentadactylon ( devil's hand flower)This is a very rare and unusual plant .
Seeking help on trying to find a supplier.

Comments (4)

Re: EDITOR 23 Jun 2011 - 2:02:00 PM

Hard to track any mention of it here. Melbourne's Botanic Gardens has a couple of specimens (don't know how big) but it's not listed in their Friends' extensive sale catalogue. Maybe they could try to add it if you asked.

Re: BLUES 20 Dec 2014 - 8:06:00 PM

Pleased to say that more than 3 years after asking about this plant and actually looking for it for more than 10 years I was very lucky to purchase one today in a 15cm pot for $75 .

Re: Re: EDITOR 22 Dec 2014 - 12:16:00 PM

But where!!

Re: BLUES 10 May 2015 - 8:30:00 PM

I purchased a plant from a collector in Melbourne who has since sold the other two he had .
My plant has grown from 30cm high when bought up to almost 1.3 metres already .
The Botanic Gardens in Melbourne have three plants with the oldest one said to be about 50 years
old The other two are of good size with one of these having flowered before .
The largest one is located near the glasshouse and flowers in around November .

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