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fried egg plant | polyspora axillaris

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Posted by EDITOR 31 May 2010 - 10:23:00 AM

One of my favourite plants. It's not at all an uncommon tree but I've never heard anyone say ‘I'd really like a Gordonia' – despite the generous silky flowers when most other plants are closing their season down, the glossy laurel leaves and multiple sculptural orange-brown trunks.

Maybe because it's not so quick – but that seems like an advantage for a small garden. Maybe because the fallen flowers can get mushy on hard surfaces. All the more reason to place them where the flowers can give an additional show as temporary carpet on a lawn or garden bed.

The botanists have changed the official name from Gordonia to Polyspora axillaris.

Anyone else with a favourite you think is under-appreciated?

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Beris, Miranda NSW
My nana taught me to throw old bed sheets over plants to protect on hot days. I usually spray them first. Cheap and it works!


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