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pond and mozzies

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Posted by SEEDY 29 Mar 2010 - 8:04:00 PM

I'd like to put it a pond but am hesitant because of the mozzies it would breed. Unless there is a way to keep them out of the water? I would like to attract frogs and other creatures and would have water plants in it as well.
Any suggestions?

Comments (3)

Re: EDITOR 2 Apr 2010 - 11:04:00 AM

Hey. Don't know if you've found them already but here's a couple of videos to start:

Re: JOT5 1 May 2010 - 3:46:00 PM

Hi, Have you thought of putting in some goldfish,koi or little native fish, as they will eat the mozzie larvae for you! All the best Seedy!

Re: SILENTSHOPPER 15 Jul 2010 - 12:05:00 PM

Hi there, their are a few different fish species that you can put into your pond that are mozzie eaters and are frog friendly(won't eat the eggs etc). 3 such fish are the pacific blue eye, white cloud minnow and guppies. I Hope this helps!

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