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corynocarpus laevigatus or n.z. laurel

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Posted by ROKA 11 Sept 2011 - 1:13:00 PM

I want to know if I can find this tree in the Perth, Western Australia Area. Can someone tell where I can either find the tree or seeds, berries. I live in Ballajura (Perth Metro area) W.A. I goggled all the information and will try to post a photo from google images.

Comments (3)

Re: ROKA 11 Sept 2011 - 1:28:00 PM

Im replying to my own question .... I uploaded an image and I cant find it??? So Im gonna attach again if I can.

Re: ROKA 11 Sept 2011 - 1:31:00 PM

Here is a pic of the fruit/berries

Re: Re: EDITOR 14 Sept 2011 - 12:41:00 PM

Though I know it's grown in the botanic gardens in both Melbourne and Sydney, it doesn't appear on the stock lists of their growing friends. Which is a long way from WA and through its import restrictions anyway. Don't know but doubt the local botanic garden would have it. And no other leads I'm afraid.

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