soil & mulch
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Enduro Rubber Mulch
The concept of using recycled tyre buffings as a mulch substitute has been embraced in Australia. Scientific trials carried out have proven the effectiveness of the product. Trials have shown that the pressence of an Enduro Rubber Mulch layer inhibits drying of the top soil.
Unlike conventional wood mulch, ERM will not steal the soils water and nutrients, and has now been granted the smart approved watermark. ERM is non-toxic and is rated non-flammable.
Enduro rubber mulch will actually reduce your weed growth, maintenance is easy and is a ONCE ONLY APPLICATION. It has a life expectancy up to 25yrs.
ERM comes in a variety of colours and textures to suit your garden's unique requirements.
For more information visit
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Plant of the Day
Hard Quandong
Plant type: evergreen tree
H: 20m W: 10m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

Fast Facts
tropical style
Tropical planting design can imitate rainforest jungles with a dense and seemingly random tangle of vegetation that creates cool and shady spaces.
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